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7 min read
What Is Conscious Living? The Power of Living With Awareness
Conscious living invites us to explore the question: What’s below the surface of who we are and how we live our lives?
6 min read
The Stories We Tell Ourselves Shape Our Lives
Shining a light of awareness onto the stories that guide your life is a choice that leads to freedom.
2 min read
Fulfilling Your Potential
Our ultimate quest is to fulfill the potential we contain within. Like seeds, we are born with the knowledge embedded within us that we...
14 min read
Developing a Healthy Relationship With Social Media
I’d venture to guess that I spend far more time considering the impacts of social media more than most people. I like to think it’s...
7 min read
A Year in a Yurt: Lessons on the Process of Becoming
For nearly a year beginning at the start of the Covid pandemic I lived in a yurt tucked within a canyon in rural Washington. It lay...
6 min read
Ride The River: On Navigating Life's Uncertainty
For the last year I’ve lived along the Columbia River that divides Washington from Oregon. It’s the largest river flowing into the...
3 min read
Winter Solstice: Thoughts On Embracing Darkness
Today is the Winter Solstice: the shortest day and the longest night of the year for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. In...
1 min read
Transforming Struggle into Purpose
Often times, our purpose is born out of our deepest struggles in life. The greatest challenges we experience, whether internally or...
2 min read
Water the Seeds of Your Life for Long-term Fulfillment
Your life blooms only when you show up consistently and tend the seeds you've planted.
1 min read
Experiencing Weakness is Necessary for Growth
Anything you do with the intention of improvement requires that you endure a certain amount of exertion. Take push ups as an example. If...
1 min read
Releasing Stories of How Things Should Be
Pain arises in our lives when the reality of our situation doesn’t align with the story we’ve created about how things should be....
2 min read
Move With the Waves of Emotion
A few days ago I broke down and sobbed under the weight of my own stress and worry at this time. In one afternoon, it all washed over me and
4 min read
Finding Stillness in a Storm
"When you're in the middle of a story it isn't a story at all, but only a confusion; a dark roaring, a blindness, a wreckage of shattered...
2 min read
Loneliness Is A Lack of Meaningful Relationships
Beneath the forest floor is a networking system between trees that is nicknamed the "Wood Wide Web." This system connects the roots of...
4 min read
Soul Cycle: Expansion, Lessons From Spring
We all experience a recurring cycle throughout our lives that contains four main phases: renewal, expansion, abundance, and contraction....
2 min read
Living An Unprocessed Life
Lately I've been especially skeptical of the health and wellness industry (which is now worth 4 TRILLION dollars!) and I've wrestled with...
2 min read
Why You Must Speak Your Truth
There's a parable I love with a message intended to emphasize the complexity and multifaceted nature of God. It goes like this: "There's...
2 min read
The Best Routes Are The Reroutes
During my recent drive from Wyoming to move to Washington I unexpectedly found myself on a back road on the last day of my travels. It...
2 min read
Horizon Line: Chasing the Voice of the Soul
My internal compass always pointed North toward the horizon line, and I had a tendency to get myself into trouble when I followed it...
2 min read
It Takes Time To Build What's Meaningful
Are you familiar with the story of The Three Little Pigs? C'mon–everyone is! But just in case it's been a while, here's a little...
2 min read
Be Fear-FULL & Proceed Anyway
Can I be honest about something? Fear kicked my ass the other night. In the dark space of my room and of my mind, I tossed and turned and...
2 min read
There's Not A "Right" Decision
Not long ago I met with a young woman who is struggling to decide between staying in college or pursuing a less traditional path. As she...
2 min read
Perspective Shapes Reality
On life’s scale of experiences, extreme sorrow is on one end and extreme joy on the other. Between the two extremes are a range of...
2 min read
Do It Anyway
Last year I left a secure path to pursue the authentic desires of my heart. The path first took me to Alaska, where I spent the summer...
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